it takes two..
it takes two..It takes two, just two..
to make it last forever..
to make it last forever..

Its quite funny how the two of us
found each others hand along the way.
It takes a lot of sacrifices just to keep the walk worth going, TOGETHER.
-How long is holding on?When is the right time to let go?
Commited and even single ones have this problem.
The simple question gets the complicated answer.
Dont be selfish.If the situation calls to,GO.Let go.
Dont hurt.Dont let others be hurt.
If you think,there's too much,think for the better.
The right ones are oftentimes hidden after the hurt.
-What if im still into him?
Give yourself a chance to think,for YOURSELF.
Sacrifices are only worth with those who knows your worth.
"Bein a quiter doesn't mean that you're a loser, everytime you quit, it doesn't mean you're giving up..
It only means that you have to let go of what you think is unfair.."