Bebi's Birthday
Last October 1 was bebi's 24th birthday. I have work from 8-5pm so we weren't able to go out somewhere. He was asking me the whole day to come to their house. I told him I can't but after work, I bought a small cake from Goldilocks then went straight to their house.
As usual, he said he was not surprised. He's really expecting that I'd surprise him. Errr. Ok, so he had some spaghetti cooked by Tita Siony
and ice cream. Simple celebration. :) He's planning to have the inuman session celebration at Kuya Jed's house this Saturday. Then on Sunday will be our surprise birthday party for my mom. Hihi. ^_^ I'm really not in the mood of blogging tonight. Maybe I'll just post another update next day. :) ~