It's been more than three months since I last posted here. Ugh. What happened to
"Hey, I'll write a blog post everytime I want to!"
Oh well, lot has happened since my last post here.
First, I already resigned from work. FINALLY! Welcome to the bum life. Lol.
Second, me and my siblings met with my "dad" last end of June. So a lot of things were discussed. My story about my mom and dad isn't written in any of my blog posts. But yeah, lots were discussed, and because of that, a lot has changed in my life.
Third, I will be a student AGAIN, soon! So yeah, I am finally taking BS Information Technology. Where? Well, I wanted to study again from my Alma Mater, which is UST, but I can't. So, only option for me was AMA University or Informatics College. As for me, I'd rather want to study in AMA than Informatics, my boyfriend studies at INFO, but yeah, he had told me many not so good stories about his school so I kinda want to go to AMA, but, as for "Basta maka-graduate kahit pumetiks" it would be better if I'll study in Informatics. Lol. So yeah, I'm just waiting for the enrollment period :)
So what's keeping me busy this past few days/weeks is K-Drama. Again. Lol. I've been watching "Protect The Boss" for the last few weeks and I'm still not yet finished, I kinda lost my interest around Ep.13 onwards. So, what caught my attention now is WGM/We Got Married. Hihi. I've been watching different couples ever since, so while waiting for the current episodes to air, I'm watching the previous couples. I'm currently watching the "extreme couple" Go Jun Hee and Jung JinWoon. Gaaaahhh! Jin Woon's smile is like.... ~ and the way he stares.... *daebak!*

So, allow me to finish this post as of the moment, since I'll go ahead and watch the next few epi. hihi.