Ma. Yzobelle Eris G. Cifra

by - Thursday, March 21, 2013

Last few days, I've been very busy and was not able to go online/blogging because of what happened to my sister. March 9, she got her check-up and her OB said that she's on 2cm. My achie told me to ready their things so that I could bring it when it's time for her to go to the hospital. So me, being the over-excited-soon-to-be-tita, I went hope after work then prepared my sister's things then went straight to bebi's house and planned on spending the night there since it's closer to UST-Hospital. We waited and waited, after almost a day, no contractions.. So, Sunday, I slept again at bebi's house thinking that I would have to go to work the next day since there's no sign that my sister will deliver the baby in the next 24hrs. But before my alarm goes off, kuya rz's calling me 'coz they will rush my sister to the hospital since her water just broke and she's spiking a fever. 

I rushed to the hospital too to support my sister, while were waiting, the OB said to kuya rz that the baby's heartbeat goes from 140-180bpm which is dangerous for my sister and the baby so they need to go with emergency c-section.. We prayed while waiting then after a few minutes, we get to talk to the OB. My achie and her baby is fine. :) They both just need to undergo antibiotic treatment. 

My sister went home on Wednesday without baby YZ since she need to continue her meds but my sister went back Friday night because she's having a hard time breathing. Diagnosis was Pneumonia and some problem with her heart.. They both went home March 19.

So yeah, welcome to the world Ma. Yzobelle Eris G. Cifra! ^_^ I am now an official TITA! ^_^

Ma. (Maria) - From our mom's name "Ma. Teresita"
Yzobelle - YZ from achie and kuya rz's initials "belle" was something my achie wants. Dunno her reason. :p
Eris - Daughter of Zeus (Rhayman Zeus was kuya rz's name) and also from tERESita. :)

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